We have received a message to the people of Boston from the General Curia in Rome, that’s the worldwide headquarters of the Franciscan Order. It reads:

To the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception and Holy Name Provinces and the People of Boston:

In the name of the General Definitorium, the community at the General Curia and friars throughout the world, I would like to extend both sympathy and support in the wake of the bombings in Boston, Massachusetts. The dangers and problems present in our world have visited Boston in a very concrete and personal way, leaving death and destruction in their wake. The response of the people of Boston provides us with a clear example of how we might move forward: solidarity, self-giving and resilience in the face of adversity.

May you our dear brothers and all the people of Boston be living witnesses of the concern and wisdom of our all-loving God in this very difficult situation. May you be inspired by the spirit of peace, reconciliation and charity of our holy father Francis. Know that you are in our prayers.