1385493898610We welcome Kevin Brown to the staff here at St. Anthony Shrine.  Kevin will serve as the Director of Worship for the Shrine.  The Director of Worship is one of the many people who work behind the scenes to help us have good liturgies here at the Shrine.  He will plan special liturgies and coordinate work between the sacristans, musicians, the various liturgical ministers, and the Shrine’s Worship Committee.
 Kevin is currently working on Ph.D. in Systematic Theology at Boston College.  He has an MA in Theology and an BA in Political Science and Theological Studies from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.  Kevin’s academic research includes projects in ecclesiology, ecumenism, methods of dialogue, and emerging theologies of ministry and order. He has served as a liturgy coordinator for the annual Los Angeles Religious Education Congress and as an RCIA facilitator.