The Franciscan Friars of St. Anthony Shrine (100 Arch Street) will be distributing Blessed Bread from 7am to 7pm in the Shrine and also from 11:30am to 1:30pm on Summer Street in Downtown Crossing, for the Feast of St. Anthony, Monday, June 13.
Below are the Prayers to St. Anthony:
June 7th:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, I adore you as my creator and savior. In my necessity I turn to you but, because my sins and failings are so many, I enlist the aid of good St. Anthony who loved you so generously. May his merits and good works secure for me what my own unworthiness cannot expect.
June 8th:
God, our heavenly Father, please give me a living, active faith in your providence such as you gave St. Anthony. My will is so weak, and my good resolution very feeble unless you strengthen them by the help of good St. Anthony. May his powerful aid make me a true disciple of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
June 9th:
Lord God, come now to my assistance. Please fill me with the flame of your love. I acknowledge with sorrow how often I have been ungenerous and have resisted your inspiration. Now, with the help of good St. Anthony and imitating his example, may I make a new beginning and change my life.
June 10th:
Most Holy Trinity, one God, let me never forget your goodness. Help me to trust you more than I have ever done before. Please teach me through the example of St. Anthony how I may best serve you in the future. May his prayers secure for me the help I need.
June 11th:
Good St. Anthony, I admit my weakness to you, my instability and my many needs. How difficult it is for me to pray with the faith and trust I should have! Please come to my aid now; and secure for me the help I need to be more frequent, fervent, and faithful in my prayers to Jesus, our blessed Lady and all the saints.
June 12th:
Glorious St. Anthony, I am drawn to the things of this world. Despite my promises, how half-hearted I am! With all God’s goodness to me, and with the many proofs I have had of His love, how often I hesitate and doubt him! Please procure for me some of your own steadfastness and determination to resist evil and do good.
June 13th:
Good St. Anthony, I know you will help me even when I hem and haw and hesitate in doing God’s work. Please help me to simplify my intentions and purify my affections as you did in life so that I may fulfill God’s purpose in my own.