Help us welcome Fr. Khoa to the Shrine. Fr. Khoa (Pronounced “Kwa) comes to us from the Holy Apostle College and Seminary in Connecticut, where he was a Spiritual Director and a teacher of theology. Originally from Vietnam, Fr. Khoa came to the United States in 1983 via a refugee camp in the Philippines. The first place he lived in the U.S. was New Orleans!
Fr. Khoa entered the franciscans in 1989 and professed his solemn vows in 1994. He was ordained a priest in 1995.
In his free time, Fr. Khoa likes reading non-fiction, primarily theology and philosophy. He also enjoys playing tennis and swimming.
Fr. Khoa was previously stations here at the Shrine from 1995 – 1998, when Fr. Kevin Mullen, OFM (the currect Provincial of Holy Name Province) was the Guardian and Executive Director.