About the Computer Center

SAS-ComputerCenterThe St. Anthony Shrine Computer Lab is dedicated to helping those who are first time computer users. The goal is to help them become better acquainted with the computer, e-mail friends and family, and navigate the world wide web. The primary group to use the computer center are seniors from the Seniors on Arch Street at St Anthony Shrine. Our goal is to help them reach out to family and friends through the internet. Out second goal is to help those families who have computer knowledge but not the access to a computer to use the computers to communicate with families and friends. Lastly, we will use the computer center to help those without jobs to create resumes, and use the computer center to search for jobs and apply on line.

The computer center was fully donated by a dedicated patron of St. Anthony and is facilitated by staff and volunteers at St. Anthony Shrine & Ministry Center.

Hours of Operation

The Computer Lab is open every Wednesday from 1:30 – 3:00 PM for practice and general use of the computers. A free-will donation of $5 is suggested.

**If you would like to print while using the computer lab you may with a $0.50 per page charge. This charge is due to the fact that the ink for the printer has become very expensive over the past few years.


For more information about the Computer Center, please contact Fr. Barry Langley, OFM at 617-778-1329 or email him at [email protected].