boston-strongThe Shrine will be hosting three events related to the Boston Marathon:

1. We will have a Mass for first responders on Monday, April 14, at 1:15 PM at the Shrine. The presider will be Fr. Chris Keenan, OFM, formerly of Boston, currently serving as the official Catholic chaplain to the New York City Fire Department. He is the immediate successor in that job to the late Fr. Mychal Judge, OFM.

2. We will have a Mass on the one-year anniversary of the Marathon to remember in prayer last year’s tragedy, to remember and pray for the deceased and all of those in need of continued healing.  That Mass will be on Tuesday, April 15, at 5:15 PM.

3. As is tradition at the Shrine, at all the Masses on the day before the Marathon, we will have a blessing of the Marathon runners who are at that Mass. This year, that day of blessing, April 20, is also Easter Sunday.