Adult Education

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These are moments when people of faith seek more deeply for greater understanding.

Arch Street Band

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A professional six member band plays four music Masses each weekend


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The Shrine offers Confessions

Monday through Friday:
10am to 1pm
Saturday: 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Sunday: 3pm to 4pm

Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents

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The Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents focuses on the spiritual journey of parents whose children of any age have died by any cause. All are welcome.

Father Mychal Judge Center for Counseling and Recovery

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Provides clinical, compassionate support and healing to those seeking mental health and recovery from substance use.

The Franciscan Food Center

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The mission of the Food Center is to feed people who are hungry by providing high-quality, nutritious food in a client-choice setting and create a community in an environment of dignity, compassion and respect.

Franciscan Spiritual Direction Training Program


This is a practicum and instruction experience to respond to the calling to become a spiritual director.

Franciscan Spiritual Companionship

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Spiritual Companionship provides a safe, confidential space in which a person can explore God’s invitation to a deeper relationship.

Help with the Annulment Process


Fr. Brian Cullinane, OFM, will discuss your particular case with you, explain the Church’s canon law as it applies to your situation, as well as recommend next steps. Please call 617-542-6440 and ask for Fr. Brian Cullinane, OFM.

Lazarus Ministry

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Providing proper and dignified funerals and burials for the homeless and abandoned, the poorest of the poor, to ensure they are not forgotten.

LGBTQ+ Ministry

Rainbow Cross

A welcoming and affirming group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Catholics to explore, share and celebrate their faith.


Outreach Ministry

The Outreach Team takes to the streets to hand out supplies and build connections with people experiencing homelessness. This program provides the necessary relief and support for people experiencing homelessness that they rightfully deserve.

Veterans Ministry

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St. Anthony Shrine welcomes Veterans from the New England Center for Homeless Veterans for a monthly Veterans appreciation lunch.

Women’s Medical Clinic

Women's Medical Clinic

A safe, confidential, women-only clinic in partnership with the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program.


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A Franciscan Catholic Worshipping Community offering Mass and Confessions