The Franciscan Spiritual Companionship Ministry
About Spiritual Companionship
Spiritual Companionship provides a safe, confidential space in which a person can explore God’s invitation to a deeper relationship. The primary focus is recognizing God at the heart of daily life. Experienced spiritual directors are available to companion people from all backgrounds and religious experience interested in the spiritual journey.
Spiritual Companionship has been a vital ministry in the Church down through the ages. It is rightly termed “Spiritual Companionship” because the person who is certified guides, encourages, and accompanies another on the spiritual journey and does not direct a person on how to solve one’s problems. Directing and problem-solving are the goals of psychological therapy/counseling. Rather, the spiritual companion is trained to listen attentively to the activity or movements of the Holy Spirit who is the ultimate Spiritual Director.
The person who seeks Spiritual Companionship is encouraged to allow God to be the center of attention and becomes more keenly aware of God’s inspirations and movements in the soul. All of life’s issues are appropriately brought to Spiritual Companionship. A prayerful and trusting atmosphere is nurtured where the goal is recognizing God at the heart of daily life.
An Invitation
Do you draw strength, peace, and direction from your faith? You may want to consider walking with a spiritual companion.
If you are interested in being more attentive to notice the spiritual movements in your journey of faith…
If you are interested in
Growing in listening
Staying with
And responding to
God’s presence…Come and see what Franciscan Spiritual Companionship is all about.
These are just a few of the consequences of a deepening relationship with God.
“I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” Jn 10:10
Spiritual Companionship
Spiritual companionship…It is more accurately a ministry of listening, guiding, and supporting rather than directing people. It is less about problem-solving and more about staying with one’s questions, life struggles and the inner terrain of the heart. Through attentive listening, observance of sacred silence, openness to inspiration and deep gratitude, one learns to rest in God and follow the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit who is the true and ultimate Spiritual Director! The person who seeks an exciting and vital spiritual journey is encouraged to allow God to be the center of attention. All of life’s issues are brought to Spiritual Companionship. A prayerful and trusting atmosphere is sought where the goal is recognizing God at the heart of daily life.
What is required of you? A willingness to seek God through prayer and to reflect upon life experiences.
This can take place individually or in spiritual companionship group exercises. Typically, individual spiritual companionship is once a month for an hour.
A Basic premise of companionship in the spiritual journey is that:
God Is Love
God’s love is personal
God’s love is communicated
God’s love is experienced
God’s love is gift
“The Lord requires of you: only to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
Relationship with God is the primary focus of spiritual companionship. Consideration is given to:
- Awareness of God’s presence
- Living in the present moment
- Seeing God in the ordinary
- Recognizing God at work
- Responding to God
Prayer and other spiritual practices result in a greater
- reliance upon God in everyday life
- integration of faith with all of life
- trust and openness
Spiritual Companionship Opportunities
Spiritual Companionship is offered in individual or group settings. For groups, information on the groups and when and where they meet is available on the groups page. Individual companionship involves regularly meeting with one of our spiritual companions. Sessions can be scheduled at a mutually-agreed upon a time from Monday to Saturday. There is a fee requested for this service, although there may be assistance available from the Franciscan Companionship Scholarship Fund.
Are you interested in becoming a Spiritual Director?
The Shrine offers a two-year practicum and instruction experience to respond to the calling to become a spiritual director. For more information and to apply, please visit our Franciscan Spiritual Direction Program.
For more information, please contact Br. Bob Frazzetta, OFM at 617-542-6440 ext 270.
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