Franciscan Spiritual Companionship Scholarship Fund
A fee is asked from those seeking Franciscan companionship. At the same time, we continually strive to make our services available to all without concern to any person’s ability to pay.
Many hours of Spiritual Companionship are currently provided to individuals who otherwise could not access such a service without the generous donations of friends of St. Anthony Shrine to the Franciscan Spiritual Companionship Scholarship Fund.
Please consider making a donation to help those less fortunate make use of our service. You may also make a donation to the Franciscan Spiritual Companionship Scholarship Fund in memory of a loved one. If you do so, please note the name and address of the person you would like to receive acknowledgement of the gift. Thank you for all you do to support our Franciscan Spiritual Companionship Ministry!
Donate to the Scholarship Fund