Greetings of peace. I call attention to a couple of important things coming up.
First, Christmas Day falls on a Monday this year. This leads to the circumstance whereby
December 24 is the Fourth Sunday of Advent until 4 pm, and then for the remainder of that day
and evening, we are celebrating Christmas Eve. We welcome you and your family to the
liturgical celebrations here that weekend. Perhaps some people that you know are not aware of
our extensive Mass schedule that weekend, including a midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. Please
help us to spread the word.
Tuesday, November 28, is Giving Tuesday, a national day of philanthropy for nonprofit
organizations. Many organizations, including the Shrine, count on proceeds from this day in
order to make their revenue budget for the year. The Shrine’s overall revenue goal for the day is
an ambitious $150,000. The good news has a generous anonymous donor who promises
$50,000 if everyone else can collectively give $100,000. The proceeds of that day will go to
support the general expenses of the Shrine, including such things as our outreach ministries to
the poor, the Arch Street Band, support of the friars, and the salaries of the very capable staff
here at the Shrine. Please support us by making a donation in person or online on that day:
Tuesday, November 28. Thank you for your generosity.
Fr. Thomas Conway, OFM
Executive Director